Monday, 25 March 2013

Highlighting open access outputs in School of Classics

Following collaboration between the Library repository team and School computing officers, the University of St Andrews School of Classics has developed new web pages highlighting content from Research@StAndrews:FullText.

Using RSS feeds and scripts to repurpose the data, the new Classics site provides a dynamic list of completed theses, with options to view abstracts and link to the full text. There are also handy links back to Library web pages with further information on finding theses and general advice on open access. (Note, not all theses are available to download immediately due to embargoes).

In addition there is a page that links to open access research publications by staff in Classics, all of which have full text available in Research@StAndrews:FullText

Our embedded usage stats show healthy downloads for some of these research outputs, for example 'Written Into the landscape : Latin epic and the landmarks of literary reception' (PhD thesis by James S McIntyre, 122 downloads) and 'Training athletes and explaining the past in Philostratus' Gymnasticus' (Book chapter by Dr Jason Konig, 70 downloads).

Link to School of Classics Postgraduate research and staff publications from

Monday, 11 March 2013

Evidence for BIS open access inquiry

The UK Government's Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) committee has published the written evidence for its inquiry into open access. The inquiry was announced at the end of Jan 2013.

98 pieces of evidence have been submitted by societies, publishers, researchers, institutions and other contributors such as Research Libraries UK and SPARC Europe. These deal with topics including use of Creative Commons licences, cost of APCs and the role of repositories.

The written evidence is available at

This follows a  similar inquiry heard by The House of Lords Science and Technology Committee, and ahead of a request from RCUK for feedback on its revised open access policy. Despite various consultations, there are still some points that require clarification before the new policy comes into effect on 1 April 2013.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Revised RCUK open access policy

Research Councils UK (RCUK) has today published the latest version of its guidance for its revised Policy on Open Access, which comes into effect on 1 April 2013. The guidelines contain additonal information on how block grants are to be used to enable open access for RCUK-funded research outputs. The University of St Andrews will receive £203,593 in April to cover these costs.

RCUK are seeking feedback on the revised guidelines, to be submitted by 20 March 2013.

A finalised OA policy will be published with any further clarifications on the RCUK OA Policy page.

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