On behalf of UK higher education funding bodies, HEFCE has announced a
consultation on open access in the post-2014 Research Excellence Framework. The funding bodies are committed to a policy that supports increased public access to research outputs.
Advice was sought on developing a joint policy in Feb 2013, and an analysis of the advice received will be available from HEFCE's page on
open access to publicly funded research.Proposals for implementing an open access requirement in the post-2014 Research Excellence Framework have now been published, with responses invited by 30 Oct 2013.
Proposals [PDF]
The policy covers journal articles and conference proceedings, and the main criteria proposed are:
- Outputs should be accessible through a UK higher education institution (HEI) repository, immediately upon either acceptance or publication, though the repository may provide access in a way that respects agreed embargo periods.
- Outputs should be made available as the final peer-reviewed text, though not necessarily identical to the publisher’s edited and formatted version.
- Outputs should be presented in a form allowing the reader to search for and re-use content (including by download and for text-mining), both manually and using automated tools, provided such re-use is subject to proper attribution under appropriate licensing.
Monographs are not currently included in the proposals, and there will be allowance for exceptions (either on a case-by-case basis or through an agreed percentage compliance) for example when papers have international co-authors or a publication has no open access option. There are 7 main questions in the consultation, including whether a notice period of 2 years is appropriate.
See the full report:
Consultation on open access in the post-2014 REF The University of St Andrews already provides infrastructure that allows researchers to easily make their outputs accessible. Publications can be recorded in
PURE, with links to projects and data added where relevant. Full text can be deposited immediately on acceptance, and automated embargo dates can be set to make the output open access in
Research@StAndrews:FullText at the appropriate time. Staff in the Library can help with this.
Contact the library for advice:
Open Access supportSee our
Open Access support web pages