Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Featured articles in Research@StAndrews:FullText

As promised we will be highlighting a number of recent items that contributed to our landmark “1000” in Research@StAndrews:FullText - The articles and theses illustrate the range of research outputs that can be made open access.

Camera-related behaviours of female dental nurses and nursery school children during fluoride varnish application interactions in nursery school settings
Yuefang Zhou ; Gillian Mackenzie Forbes ; Gerald Michael Humphris - School of Medicine

This article investigates camera-related behaviours in a community based health programme. The study is important for paediatric dentists, giving an understanding of how the process of video recording affects children in this setting. It also has practical implications for researchers wanting to use this video-recording method for studying children’s behaviour. The topic is accessible and illustrates collaborative research with the University and NHS Fife.

An author version of the article has been made available according to publisher policies, therefore increasing the potential audience, highlighting the content of the International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry and showcasing research in the school of Medicine.

From age-sets to friendship networks in contemporary sociology : The continuity of soda among the Boorana of East Africa
Mario Aguilar, School of Divinity

This article is from the first issue of the new open access journal Sociology Mind. The author is on the Editorial board of the journal, which aims to “synergize sociological imagination in the 21st century toward a critical understanding of new social and cultural forces that call for scientific interpretation and analysis of facts and values.” The article has an appealing subject-matter, discussing kinship and emphasizing the importance of friendship in Africa.

The articles are available from the St Andrews Research Portal and our repository, Research@StAndrews:FullText

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